Excelsa coffee from Davao

 Trying Excelsa coffee from Davao

At first I didn’t understand, but it hit my nose with fruit.  And then they seemed to disappear into the air around me.  Cotton.  And it slammed shut.  And the coffee stopped smelling completely.  Something elusive.  Lung.

A lush foam the color of a mushroom appears, it’s strange that I remembered about the mushroom.  The color of the coffee is almost black. 

Woody scent. Not much nut. But that's all.  An option for a hot day when you can’t live without coffee, but the strength will make it even hotter. You may not notice this coffee at all.

It also sits lightly and unobtrusively in the cup. 

The French press may be too big for him. The phin filter will do. 

Otherwise there is little feeling. By increasing the dose of powder, the coffee became silky and chocolatey. There is acid left at the bottom of the cup.

Where I bought it

*amendment. I bought Arabica coffee from them. the taste is the same. Maybe the whole mystery of this Excelsa is that it is a mixture with Robusta? Or the percentage ratio is so high that you can’t tell where anything is anymore. Coffee is no good. But it is not what the manufacturer claims.


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