Cocoa tablea from Batangas

The depression has turned into a tropical storm the wind shakes the raindrops.  It howls for the second day, trying to get through the glass.  A puddle has formed on the floor, which turns into a stream - nature has won and flows into the crack of the window.  And then condensation spills all over the floor. 
Chilly.  +25°.

It's time to make hot chocolate.

Cocoa tablea from Luzon Island, Batangas.  A handy jar of small tablea looks promising.  Cute.  I open it and immerse myself in the aroma of pungent barberry and black currant.  Enveloping sweet suede.  Summer day.

Cheerful taste of the holiday.  Fatty and fresh. Very good.

There are small parts of the cocoa fruit and some kind of stamen.  This makes me happy.  It couldn't be more natural.  Parts of nature's design settle down.

The store can be found on lazada - Сoffe Beands Ph, they also have facebook.


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